Individual Therapy

Individual therapy involves the client meeting one-on-one to work with a therapist or counselor. The client and therapist collaborate and develop a very unique relationship that facilitates in-depth exploration of the client’s relationships, feelings and values, behaviors, and thoughts in order to foster a better understanding of the problems going on in that client’s life. Once this therapeutic alliance has occurred, the therapist assists the client in making choices and in implementing the necessary changes in thoughts and behavior to bring about a feeling of improved mental health.

Individual therapy can also help when an important professional or personal decision needs to be made by helping the client explore the situation more objectively and rationally, identifying what is in and out of the client’s control, and by helping the client conceptualize the decision in such a way that it is more manageable and requires much less emotional energy.

Individual therapy often is used to augment psychopharmacological therapies. Under these circumstances, the therapist provides the services listed above and, after execution of a signed Release of Information, works collaboratively with your physician to ensure the most efficient and effective level of care.

Couples therapy involves working with both parties together (as well as each individually, when indicated) to identify and resolve problematic problems and issues existing in the relationship. Couples therapy can be used to work through issues related to infidelity, divorce, sex and parenting. The collaborative partnership involving all parties in the process provides unique opportunities to conceptualize the presenting problems in such a way that more easily enables the couple to find solutions to the discord. The therapist helps the couple communicate more effectively and be more aware of their partner’s wants and needs as well as how to meet them.